শুক্রবার, ২২ এপ্রিল, ২০১৬

Christmas Is a Festival to the Sun

chicago summer festivals

The solstice of December 21st was considered the death of the sun in ancient Northern Hemisphere cultures, according to my research. Consequently 25th December is the rebirth of it and this was celebrated throughout Europe and many other places. It was adopted as the birthday of the prophet of Christianity by the cohorts of Constantine. He established the Catholic Church in 325 AD and used myths and legends to do it.

Being the so-called Son of God he invented Jesus Christ, as stated in Revelation 13:13-18. He built the first Vatican over the temple of Jupiter and erected churches on sites he claimed were places of significance in the life of this avatar. The facts are that 25th December is the birthday of most avatars for the same reason.

Constantine was a Sun worshipper and member of the Islamic faith that emerged from Babylon and that spread its tentacles into all other belief systems. He shifted the holiest day of the week to Sunday, the chicago summer festivals  named after the sun, the Dies Solis. He altered dates and time of many of the old customs to hide their origin. Easter was moved from the time of the March equinox to the position of the moon. The name is derived from 'i-star', that is the 'eye star'.

The Christian chicago summer festivals  were set up by Jerome who followed as a cohort of the conspiracy the emperor put in place. It was he who compiled and partly wrote the New Testament and the birth of Christ is only noted in Matthew and Luke. It is believed that Jerome wrote the first book as it contains the laws of the church which he put into practice.

Luke, on the other hand, has the trade-mark of Augustine Bea. He was co-worker with Jerome on the book. He was also engaged by the Vatican to start the Muslim religion to add credibility to it. These things are now out in the open and the role of religion in the devastation of the planet is another thing that cannot be ignored.

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